Sleepy who resides in the top bunk, apparently thought this would be a great time to snooze in the sweetest pose ever. It's a wonder sleep was a possibility considering the insanity that was going on down in the bottom bunk. G-Lo was going crazy. I think there must have been some kick ass techno music going on down there because the doctor could barely get a picture! He finally did, though and they both look great. I'm 12w3d today and 23rd measured at 12w6d. G-Lo is right on track at 12w3d.
And here they are! G-Lo is kind of hard to make out because the dance party just don't stop.
G-Lo is actually in the bottom sac, a total blur.
I am in love with the fact that they are in this bunk bed position. It's so cute!
My doc said that my cervix looks great, although there's a polyp on it. He thinks that's probably what caused the spotting. We had sex the night before the evil pink showed up, so now I guess we know what caused it. I'd made it a no-go zone since the spotting, but now since I know what the problem is, maybe the restriction can lift a bit. The doctor said he'd rather not remove it unless it becomes a problem and I'm fine with that.
I go for the nuchal translucency next Wednesday. That makes me a little nervous, but of course I'm excited to see the WT's again.
I'm telling my boss tomorrow. I'm absolutely convinced his wife is pregnant. Not only did I hear him ordering more progesterone, but then he was talking to a co-worker who suggested my boss needs to open a 529. So...not too many reasons for a 529 aside from impending fatherhood, right??
Wish me luck breaking the news! "Hi, I'm your brand-new employee and I'm pregnant!"
So cute! The image of the dance party on the bottom bunk is too adorable. I am so glad you could share the snap shots. Good luck tomorrow with the news break. They will have to deal with it. They WILL deal with it!
Yippity skippity, yeah yeah yeah! (Picture me dancing around the room whilst singing that.)
Glad to hear all is well with Sleepy and Dopey. Just kidding, I could never call your child Dopey, we're just a little Snow White obsessed in this house right now...
Good luck with the NT scan, and with telling your boss the news. Please do post with all the details!
Yeah!!! Love the pics, especially little G-Lo's dance party.
Good luck telling the boss
hahahah love the bunk bed thoughts. Sending you good vibes for hte nuchal test and coming out of the closet
Awwww SO cute=) Congrats again Erin=)
Yay wonder twins! Glad all is well with them. I hope all goes well with your boss.
I love that they already have bunk beds. Too cute! And let us know how things go with the boss and your announcement. Luck!
Hooray! They're beautiful. :-) I'm so glad things are looking good and hope that the nuchal goes really well!
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