Last night we got a call from my stepsis that her husband's G!ants tickets were available. We knew that we wanted to take the Littles to a game at some point this year, but we didn't think it would be so soon! We had four tickets, so my dad came along and we kept the last seat for the diaper bag.
They were perfectly well-behaved and the talk of Section 222! Sarah ate herself through the first and second inning, but after that she slept with her dad in the Bjorn, so we weren't able to get any good pictures of her. We more than made up for it with cute ones of Matthew, though!
Then tonight just before bathtime we took this picture. It's the first time I've gotten a good picture of Matthew smiling.
Speaking of bathtime tonight, we've instituted a nice routine for bedtime for the past few days. We head upstairs, they get baths, then I feed them and they go down. Not much to it, but at some point we'll incorporate a book. I was also thinking I would get a Baby E1nstein cd to play in their room while W gets them ready before and after the bath*. It's been MUCH easier to get them to sleep in the evenings, but I can't say the routine has done much for how long they sleep. Sarah had been good for 6-8 hrs lately, but then last night she was up nearly every time with her brother, which was 10, 2, 3:30 (swaddling escapage which was only corrected by bf'ing) then 5am. UGH. It's not fun. I'm so cranky by the time the morning rolls around. I just wish Matthew would show ANY teeny bit of interest in lengthening the time he sleeps. Just one 4 hour shot would make me so happy.
Oh well, they're doing great otherwise. That horribly cranky period of about a week ago seems to have passed for now. (As has any immediate thoughts of shelving the boob.) We get lots of happy times during the day. I still struggle with how to transition them from eating (tandem bf'ing) to a bit o' playtime, to naptime. So often I fall into the trap of letting them have the milk-drunk nap on the bf'ing pillow. I know it's not a good long term solution, but as long as I've got the remote, my laptop and some water, it's hard to make a case for moving them, you know? Plus, my mom (aka my only help) has been away for most of this week and won't be back until late next week, so we are just doing whatever we can to survive around here.
They will be 12 weeks old on Thursday, which just blows my mind.
Oh man, W just brought me some oatmeal choc chip cookies. Bye now!
*Bathtime - We got an infant bath at one of our showers, but it seemed like so much of their tiny nekkid bods were out of the water that they had to be freezing! So I've taken to hopping in the real bathtub and having W pass them to me one at a time. They seem to really like it, especially Sarah. I just hold her head and shoulders and she floats around so peacefully. I know I'm going to be shat on any day now, but for now I love bathtime!
I love that second picture of Matthew -- he looks like he is watching the game so seriously.
I love taking a tub bath with them -- I do it when J is home so that he can be the baby passer. I don't use their infant tub either -- too awkward. I have a bath foam that someone gave me as a shower gift and I put it in the kitchen sink and bathe them there... nothing like a wet soapy sweet baby huh!!!!!! Too cute.... sam
Love the baseball pics!
And bathtime sounds so sweet. Hope Matthew starts giving you some decent chunks of sleep!
I do the same thing now, let them bathe with me. I get a relaxing bath first, and then when it cools down they come in with me. Its just so easy to clean them and they love it!!! I also let them fall asleep after eating on my ez2nurse pillow...when im by myself the thought of playing with them after every feeding is daunting. they hate tummy time, cry during story what is left to do with them? totally out of ideas over here.
Breaking the kids into the Great Game early -- sweeeet! My daughter, 8, has never missed an Opening Day yet. Her first was at aage six weeks.
Great pictures!
I am so glad that I found your blog. I just found out that I am pregnant with twins. It is reassuring to see that it can be done. Your babies are gorgeous.
Hi, found you on the ICLW list,
The pics are adorable! I know what you mean about the baby tub. We just ended up filling it up farther than we should have and letting him make a huge splashy mess with his feet. At least he was warm right?
I love the baseball pics - you should send them in to the Giants - maybe Matthew can be a posterboy?! ;) Boy, they really DO keep you up at night - I didn't realize how frequent they get up! Eventually it will get better - I know - you're tired of hearing it - but its true.
oh yeah -- daddy was loving champagne that day. Can't wait until their 1st birthday -- should we give him tequila and see what happens???????
No -- all jokes aside. J is quite embarassed about all the word slurring and wobbling and such. He chalks it up to only 2 hours of sleep since he worked the night before and no food since I only had cupcakes....... whatever dude!!! He's not a whino I swear..... sam
ahh they are wonderful! 12 weeks wow! what fun!
here from ICLW
Hi from ICLW!
Those pictures are adorable! I enjoyed reading your blog today.
Bath time sounds like fun! I cannot believe you are Giants Fans (we go to A's games!!!)
Your children are just gorgeous!! That picture of your son at the giants game is too precious for words!
I'm sure that things will get better and more organized as they start sleeping better. But, clearly, you're doing an amazing job!
We are planning on doing the shared bath thing too - although someone has given us a baby bath. Somehow sharing just seems so much safer.
The Broken Man
They are SO beautiful and have grown so much since I last checked in. I LOVE that you brought them to a game already. I am not into surrounding my son with all things stereotypically "boy" but I have made it clear to friends and family that LL will have to have at least one piece of Red Sox clothing at each point in his life. So I understand your excitement at taking the twins to a Giants game. :-)
Let's hope that Matthew decides to extend his sleep patterns soon! :-)
Argh! I just bought an infant tub because Missy is too big for the bathroom sink. I hope I am not wasting my $. I tried having her in the bath with me but she just wanted to nurse and then threw up over both of us 6x. So much for being clean.
I am so glad the fussy period is over for you. I am right in the middle of it. The sleep book I have says the fussies peak at 6 weeks past the due date. Sux having to do the math on that one all the time. It also says that as long as you get your baby to sleep, they will begin to sleep for longer and longer periods of time so don't worry about the whole eat, awake, sleep continuum. Just do what works, sister.
WTs continue in their absolute adorableness. Thanks for the pics!
They are SO cute! :)
Here from ICLW.
Visiting from ILCW, what beautiful babies. Thanks for sharing and I love SF!
They are too cute, and getting so big!
We actually loved the baby baths, but we had them on the counter, and the water continously running, so we would keep it warm in the room, and keep replenishing the water with warm water. Although I love the idea of bathing with them!
On vacation I actually had to shower with Jake. That was crazy! He HATED it. haha.
They're just gorgeous. Bath time sounds nice. You're doing great to have a routine already.
Here from ICLW...
You are a brave woman to take 12-week-old twins to a baseball game. Other twin moms I know barely leave the house.
I don't know if there's anything cuter than babies in baseball outfits.
I don't know how you do it with the whole not sleeping thing. I'm sure God had me adopt a one year old because I'd go crazy if I couldn't sleep through the night. I'm impressed that your able to do things like blog, shower, eat.
Super cute pix from the ballgame! FlyGuy just took Little Lassie to her first game. He was more excited than she was.
Matthew's smile is darling!
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