Wednesday, July 30, 2008

As promised

Ridiculous photos...

And from the outtakes...


Stacemoe said...

Ahhhh....they aren't ridiculous...they are PRECIOUS!!!!!!

Kate said...

I love it!! Those are great!!!

Jen said...

SO SO SO CUTE! The outtake is hilarious! :)

Ms. Planner said...

Heee-larious! Your babies are so adorable. I am sure your bro loved the picture.

Caba said...

oh my ... you are too much! Is it just me, or do those bumbo seats make them look hysterical? We have some of the craziest pics of ours in the bumbos ...

edie & ella said...

love the outakes -- M looks super excited. Aren't the bumbos awesome??? sam

Shirley said...

too cute! don't you just want to pinch those cheeks all the time?!


Carrie said...

I'm not sure they will thank you for sharing these very photos!
You're babies are amazingly cute.

Mrs. Piggy said...

Oh my, I have the same bumbos except lilac
I so want to do ridiculous things like that with mine!!! SO CUTE!!

hopeful to hateful in 28 days said...

I am so glad to see that you are happy with beautiful, healthy babies!!!

Mrs. Piggy said...

I keep coming back to look at your party pictures. They are too damn cute. Isnt it fun torturing your kids by posing them for the purpose of great pictures? I love doing that!

Geohde said...


They're too munchable,



Rebecca said...

Sooo cute! Thanks for your comment!

edie & ella said...

HHEEEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOO anybody there???? We need some pictures here lady!!! Surely those babies have done some changin in the past.......what half a month. sam