Here they are! We're going to load a bunch more pictures onto our picasa page soon, but for now this is all ya get!
Girlfriend came out at 5lbs 11oz and 19 inches and Boyfriend is 5lbs 7oz and 18.5 inches. We're doing our best at bf'ing and both kids have latched on on their own a few times. Boyfriend will latch on for a while, but mostly he likes to eat from a spoon - a habit I'm hoping he'll kick very soon, but for now if he's getting his grub on, I'm all for it. He had to spend about 3 hrs in the NICU to make sure he was breathing ok, but he was out in no time. She went straight to the nursery and was nursing with me within an hour or so of her debut and has been doing really well every since. Every 3 hours is really often. In case you didn't know...
C-section went fine. I'm starting to feel it a bit more funky this afternoon, now that the morphine has worn off, but all things considered I feel pretty good.
Ok, that's probably enough typing for now. Thanks for all the great comments!! I'll try to post when I have the Picasa link.
A million congrats!!! They are beautiful, like I knew they would be.
Erin - they are wonderful! Yah to you and Hubs.
Take care
Congratulations, Erin!! They look wonderful!
Congratulations on your new daughter and son!! Welcome to the world babies!!!!
CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!! They are PRECIOUS!!!! Glad everything went smoothly...praying for quick healing. You are blessed and can't wait for more pics!!!!!
Welcome to the world Wonder Twins! They are just gorgeous! So thrilled for you both!
Congratulations!! Amazing. :)
Woooo Hooo!!! Too wonderful! Love the WonderTwins theme. :)
Congrats - hope you are feelling up and at'em really soon. I know that C-section thing can kick the butt.
Huge huge huge congratulations!!! They look gorgeous.
Yeah! The wonder twins are here! So so so happy for your beautiful new family! ENjoy every minute of it! You'll have to email me your address ... wonder twins onesies will be on the way!!
Congratulations sweetie!! Beatiful babies you have there :)
Look after yourself xxx
Congrats on the arrival of the wonder twins!!
Congrats, those are two beautiful little babies ;)
OMG I missed a day or two and look what happens! What perfect little babies! Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! They are too cute! I can't wait to see more pics! :)
I am SO HAPPY for you and so glad to hear that the Wonder Twins arrived safe and sound. How absolutely amazing. I hope things continue to go smooth-as-possible. May you recover quickly from the c-section. Enjoy your babies!
xoxo. Ms. P
Oh they are so precious! Welcome to the world little ones--congrats Erin!!
When you have babies, you cannot go on living without this folding hand cart. You can use this to store your babies goods or go shopping with it as well...
Congrats!!!! They are beautiful!!!!
Well done you!! What fantastic news! They look gorgeous. xxx
OMG yeahy! they are beautiful! ao glad they are doing well!
good luck with the next few weeks (you'll need it!) If you need advice- ask away!!
Hooray! I'm so excited for you,
the Wonder Twins are darling.
You must be a very proud mama.
Well done!
Congratulations - so pleased for you!
How beautiful they are.
Congratulations to you, you got there and I'm so proud of you xx
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