(I did wear a pair of my regular jeans yesterday, but it was practically indecent.)
Anyway, I'd love to use this as a place to chronicle any and all exercise I do. I think the accountability is a good motivator. A while back I added a running ticker, but I'm not sure I have the time or fortitude to be that ambitious. For now I'll just post about whatever I do, and any subsequent weight loss. I ended up gaining nearly 80 pounds with these lil suckers and I'm about 15 lbs away from my starting weight (which was too much!) So, encouragement is very welcome! And that includes pointing out if you see that I haven't done anything in a while.

So, since I got the go ahead, I have:
Gone to the driving range
Played tennis
Taken a few vigorous walks
Gone swimming
Had sex!
I look forward to you people telling me to keep at it! Especially that last one...heh heh.