Thursday, September 13, 2007

Uh... Ughpdated.. Again with pic and further speculation

No use beating around the bush.

This is 8dp3dt. I don't really have words. I've never been pregnant.

Until today.

I'll update tomorrow with a new stick and a (hopefully) darker line.

9/14 The line this morning? It is not darker. It's there, but it's a bit lighter. Could the trigger still have been in my system, 13 days later? I highly doubt it. Was it a chem? Maybe? Did the fact that I had to pee in the middle of the night screw up my FMU? I'm hoping so. More tests to come...

Check out Leah! That stick pusher is knocked up!

Here's the picture of today's stick. You're going to need to squint to see the line, but it's there.
I did notice that my pee was much darker when I tested last night than it was this morning. Kind of opposite, right?


Courtney said...

That is an absolutely beautiful site my dear! Congratulations on what looks to be a bona fide bfp. :)

Stacie said...

What a wonderful lin! You, my dear, are pregnant!

Stacie said...

Line! What a wonderful line!

Tam said...

Oh wow sweetie, congratulations. I am so so happy for you!

Can't wait to see those lines go darker! Hopefully both Zan and Jayna are holding on tight!!

Hugs xxx

AwkwardMoments said...


Leah said...

:-) :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sight!

~Carrie said...

Congratulations on your BFP!! :)

stickybun07 said...

Erin, I just got all teary when I read this! At 11dpo that looks like a great line! Congratulations! I hope for an even darker one tomorrow and a wonderful 1st beta!

LJ said...

Holy Moly!! This is great news!!!

Caba said...

Awesome! Congrats to you!

Delenn said...

So awesome! Congrats!

Shelby said...

Yeah!!!!! I am just SO happy for you!! Can't wait to see how things progress!!

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

How exciting! Congratulations :D Can't wait to see it get darker and darker!

Meghan said...


Leah said...

If you're using those damned FRER tests, the variability in the lines will drive you to the brink of insanity (and beyond). Go with a digital one (I recommend the Walgreens brand) and try not to pop out the stick to check the line. :-)

Kate said...


Kami said...

Such a nice picture! Keep us posted on more good news.

JJ said...

I'll echo what I told Leah: I AM JUMPING OUT OF MY CHAIR! Yahooo!=)

Carrie said...

Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee!Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee! Yipee!
I am so pleased for you. So pleased. Try not to read too much into the pee sticks. I kept peeing and checking and when I finally freaked out over a much paler one my beta was at 24,000. You really can't tell too much.
I'm so very happy ;-)

Jen said...


Leah said...

No, not opposite. Darker means more concentrated. So it seems that middle of the night pee diluted the FMU this morning.

I love your lines, I think they are beauuuuuuuuuuutiful!

Ashley said...

OMG! I am in shocked! You and Leah both! This is awesome! You both were in it together form the beginning. I am so excited! *hugs*

In and Out of Luck said...

Yes, you are pregnant! Fantastic! Congratulations.

Ms. Planner said...

E! This is fucking fantastic! I guess I can write that word because it is one of your favorites throughout your blog. Squeeee!

Cibele said...

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what great news!! I am so happy for you BFP!!!! congratualtions

Kristen said...

Woohoo! So glad to see those two beautiful lines! Congrats! XOXO

Natalie said...

Eek! Congrats!!!!

Cajun Cutie said...

I am so happy for you. Hope you and Leah get to be "puke" buddies. Sorry to hear about Cody. Sending hope and prayers your way.