Sunday, September 2, 2007

Half dozen ain't so bad

Well, because I guess I'm a big fat copycat, I got six eggs too. This cyclesista thing is getting a little nutty!

Six is pretty much exactly what I was expecting, although of course I was hoping for more. They're being ICSI'd as I type and I am so so anxious to find out how that goes.

I would guess it will be a Day 3 transfer, although I have a deal w/ my doc that if there are five or more embryos we'll try to stretch it to 5.

I overheard the woman who had her retrieval before me tell the nurse she was planning to play in a tennis tournament later today? Is she bonkers? I will settle for watching one - so many hours of US Open to enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 6!

Jen said...

Yay for your six!

And you know this woman is the type that will play in a tennis tournament at seven months pregnant!

Natalie said...

Like Jen said, yay for six! Here's hoping six is a lucky number:-)

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling good, tummy wise, and mental wise too! And congrats on the the wonderful 6! Let there be a ton of baby dancing tonight and wonderful news tomorrow for you!! :)

AwkwardMoments said...

TENNIS MATCH ummm are you kidding ? But yah for 6 ... that must be the lucky number

lub said...

Six! That's great!!! :)

Leah said...

Wahoo! Together we have a nice, even dozen. Glad to hear everything went well, I have my fingers crossed for your fert report tomorrow.

JJ said...

Yay 6! Ill be checking back for the fert report=) Take it easy!

Shelby said...

6 is great!! I can't wait to hear how the ICSI worked! I'm hoping for 6 embies, so you can get your 5 day transfer!

And the lady who was going to do a tennis tournament is completely crazy! It took me about 4 days before I was up to really moving around that much!

Tam said...

Thats' excellent news, i'm ditto'ing my comment on Leah's page, I am truly hoping that your little eggs make some really good embies! Can't wait for that fert report!

Thinking of you...

Becks said...

I am in the 6 club too! I think it is catching! Good luck for the fert report - hoping for at least 100%!

Von said...

Well done. That's great news and hope to hear more tomorrow.